To Do List Domination

Happy Thursday! Hope your week is going well.

If not there’s always Jersey Shore tonight to make you really appreciate how good you really have it. 😉

Seriously, is it just me or is Snooki venturing dangerously close to trainwreck territory?  Clean it up.

So you knew this was coming… but it’s cooling off again in SF (womp womp). Le sigh. Summer it’s like I barely knew you.


Yesterday when I was convinced I had heatstroke… I apparently had a mental lapse as well because when I looked at the mileage on my training plan, I had 7 mile stuck in my head.

Turns out that was last Wednesday’s run. This week is a recovery week. So yesterday’s run was supposed to be 5 miles.

Sometimes I amaze myself with my own intelligence. 😉


Today I got to work once again at 6:30am (and thank goodness didn’t have to sit in a cab… of any odor) and to say it was a long day would be an understatement.

Yes Starbucks breakfast happened again. I’m not proud of it.



I had my nose to the grindstone all day (I work in sales and it’s end of month so it’s b-u-s-y!), and then had quite the to-do list to get through this afternoon.

Got a manicure, ran 4 miles on the dreadmill (I wasn’t risking any weather related ailments today and had a People Magazine to get through), picked up dry-cleaning, went to Pilates, ran to the grocery store, went to Macy’s with boyfriend and made quite the delicious homemade pizza for dinner.



Because I will smudge and ruin manicure before I even leave the nail place, I’ve become obsessed with Shellac manicures… you leave with your nails completely dry and it lasts for 14+ days… and never, ever chips. It’s more expensive, but so, so worth it.

Chipped nails be gone!



And now we’re watching Jersey Shore.

I’d say the day shaped up quite nicely. 😉

Hope you had a great night! And tomorrow is F-R-I-D-A-Y!

85 > 65 … With 1 Exception

There’s a very good chance I had heatstroke this afternoon.

That, or the New Orleans Iced Coffee (the best coffee I have ever tasted – recipe is here) from Blue Bottle and the Hazlenut Macaron from Miette (the best macaron this side of La Duree) I had at 3:00pm aren’t the best pre-running fuel.

I digress.

I realize I often complain (relentlessly) about SF’s summer weather which is good for absolutely nothing…. but running.

(I will continue to complain about that in the summers to come because 65 degrees does not equal summer.)

85 degrees is good for absolutely everything… but running.

I knew it was a bad idea when I got on the bus, and all the windows were open (including the emergency exit in the ceiling) and it was sweltering.

I had a bad feeling when I put on a tank-top, shorts, and a hat and walked outside and was hit with a hot breeze.


I had 7 miles on the training plan for today, and after getting up at 6am, it was pretty much the last thing that sounded appealing to me. Basking in the sunshine and enjoying this glorious heat while not moving sounded extremely appealing.

But no one’s forcing me to train for a marathon so off I went! I once again left my music and Garmin at home (I am loving this new world of running!) and set out on my favorite 5-mile loop, and then did half of my 4-mile loop to come in at just over 7 miles.

I have no idea my pace or overall time and I was more than OK with it. I did the 7 miles completely by feel, and cleared my head entirely (thoughts of heat exhaustion and a rumbling stomach and how delicious my 2 bowls of Peanut Butter Puffins were going to taste afterwards aside).

I felt kind of crappy when I got home – a little out of it, and not like myself… but after drinking about 2 liters of water (and inhaling cereal), it was decided I was most definitely deydrated and severely ill-informed about how to run/prepare for runs when the temperature is above 65 degrees.

How I felt.

Time to go relax and watch some Man vs Food Nation (does anyone else think he realized just how unhealthy he was and that’s why he has someone else actually do the eating part?) and the new Real World!. (While it’s no Challenge,  I still cannot get enough of this show.) Day 1… everyone loves each other. Day 4 everyone hates each other. 😉

Hope you have a lovely night!

6am Should Be Illegal

This morning, I got up at 6am.




That would be <7 hours of sleep last night. And I mention that because  I have the sleep needs of a 5-year old and need at least 8 hours/night. (An afternoon nap would make me even happier.)

Getting up when it’s still dark out  (running I will make an exception for) should be illegal.

I work East Coast accounts at work, had an early call this morning, and knowing the state of SF’s bus system (seriously Muni, it’s time to pull it together), I allowed extra time to get to work, grab a coffee and prepare for my call.

Fun Fact – pre-7am the bus runs every 25 minutes instead of every 5 minutes. I walked up to the corner and what do you know, missed the bus by about 2.7 seconds as it drove, empty, by me.

After silently thinking about 11 curse words and then thinking for a moment how much I despise the bus system, I hailed a cab and was driven to work in the worst smelling vehicle (it was like B.O. and onions in there) of all time.

And had to pay $12 for it.

Happy Wednesday to me! 😉

Since I left for work in the dark and wanted to avoid turning on the jet motor (aka our blender) to make a smoothie  and wake boyfriend up at the same ungodly hour that I was up at (misery doesn’t love company at 6am, even misery wants him to be able to sleep in later), I decided it was a Starbucks kind of morning.



It’s amazing how a Skinny Vanilla Latte and Oatmeal can turn a morning around.

Busy day at work today… time to get to it! Hope you have a lovely Wednesday! (Half-way there!)

The Naked Run

Tonight, I ran the 4-miles on my training plan.

Totally naked.

And let me tell you, it was liberating.

Just me, my thoughts, and the great out (urban) doors.

To clarify… I was wearing clothes. (Yes I live in San Francisco, but every day is not Bay to Breakers. And on that day I prefer to drop $100 on mis-matched brightly colored clothing from American Apparel to wear while traipsing about SF.)


But I did run sans music, tune belt and Garmin.

Running shoes, capris, tank, hat.

And it was probably the most peaceful, relaxing run I’ve ever done.

I’ve always been nervous to run without music. I think I’ll get bored, or that the only reason I can complete my runs is because I have the beat to run to, or something to distract me from the fact that I’m running. I did an out and back and thanks to running with the Garmin so many times I’ve memorized the distance.

Tonight it was absolutely gorgeous (San Francisco indian summer is in full swing!), with a very light breeze, the sun setting over the Golden Gate Bridge, and walkers, runners, and bikers just enjoying a beautiful evening.

I took the time to really take in my surroundings- how beautiful the SF Bay is in the evening, how quiet it gets without the gale force winds swirling around you, and what a beautiful city I’m lucky enough to live in.

For long runs, music keeps me from getting bored, but for short runs, I’m going to run naked more often. It was motivating and inspiring to know that I don’t need music or a fast beat to keep me going. I can run just fine on my own.

I set out for my run after a Pilates Reformer class, and the first mile or so, my legs were heavy. I prefer to do my run after Pilates because my legs are tired and fatigued after an hour of squatting and lunging… and I don’t think I’m that far off in thinking that in the later miles of the marathon my legs will probably feel the exact same way – if not worse.

So why not practice torturing myself? 😉

Boyfriend has a basketball game tonight so after my run I re-heated some leftovers and fired up the newest episode of Glee (with none other than my FAVORITE Idina Menzel back again this season. Yes, yes, yes) to occupy my 8pm hour with.


As if this show couldn’t get any better… they bring back the original Maureen from Rent/Elphaba from Wicked. Well done Glee people, well done.

Dinner tonight?

Whole Wheat Fusilli, Newman’s Own Tomato Basil, Homemade Turkey Meatballs, Parmesan Cheese.

Why mess with a classic?

Time for the new season of Chopped! Geoffrey Zakarian I hope you came prepared with your snarkiest of comments.

Have a great night! 🙂

What’s your favorite fall TV show?

For me it’s Gossip Girl (Dan and Blair YES! And whaaat Ivy/Charlie?), Glee, New Girl (Loooving it) and Modern Family. OK and Greys. And Up All Night.

Do you ever run without any technology?

Whole Foods For The Win

Oh Monday, I’m so happy you’re over.

As much as I enjoy starting a new week, I enjoy being closer to the 48 hours of weekend bliss that much more.

After work today I had a to-list to get through:

  • Cross-train – bike
  • Find parking spot at Whole Foods
  • Grocery Shop at Whole Foods
  • Drop off essentials at dry cleaners
First up – 45 minutes of upright stationary biking (Hill Level 10 – will kick your booty!) at the gym while reading the newest Us Weekly.
Why Brad, why do you have to open your big mouth and slam Jen all the darn time? Just leave it alone.
(And is it just me or can Jessica Biel do somuchbetter than JT? Seriously, Nsync and Sexy Back are over. Now he’s an “actor” who sings painfully in his movies (1:28 and 1:42 if we’re getting technical. Move on JB, move on.)
Next up – Whole Foods parking lot. If you live in SF and have ever been to a certain Whole Foods (coughPacificHeightscough), you know that the parking “garage” (if a 15-spot underground lair can be called that) is a nightmare… pretty much any time of day.
I lucked out big time and while the person in front of me made 23 attempts to get into their spot, I snagged the larger spot right next to them, and was out of my car as they were on attempt #21 at parking.
I picked up some essentials for the week- rotisserie chicken, Lara Bars (I’m officially an addict and refuse to eat anything other than PB&J and Ginger Snap), Sun Dried Tomato Chicken Sausages, produce, and…. Peanut Butter from the PB machine! One day I will re-create this in my food processor… tonight, Whole Foods and their industrial peanut butter-er can do it for me.) 😉
Some beautiful fall flowers – Dahlias!
And some gorgeous fall fruit – pomegranates! (Yes there is also an onion and a shallot in there.)
Know the secret to getting the goods out of pomegranates without staining your kitchen, counter, clothes, hands, self?
Then you’re just left with this-
GOSSIP GIRL is back tonight and this may be the most exciting and thrilling thing I’ve heard all day. Aside from (gasp!) Jen and Angie carrying the same purse. Say it isn’t so. There have to be other $4,000 purses out there to choose from ladies.
It’s leftovers for dinner – bring on the Cheesy Pesto Chicken Pinwheels!
Hope you have a lovely night!