7 Things

I distinctly remember the Miley Cyrus song “7 Things” taking over my favorite Top 40 radio station circa 2008. And for that little piece of musical genius we can all blame those darn Jo Bros for breaking 15-year old hearts left and right.

So the other day, the hysterical and very talented Caitlin at the Arty Runnerchick tagged me in a post where I get to share 7 random fact about myself. Definitely check out her blog – I love it!

Brace yourselves.

1. Sleep On It

I’m the person that falls asleep in the car before it leaves the driveway (when I’m the passenger!), the plane before it takes off, or the train before it leaves the station. It’s instantaneous. I could have downed a latte 10 minutes earlier and then boarded a plane… and it’s over. (This actually happened last summer before taking off for a trip to Hawaii). This also applies to the opening 15 minutes (I’m being generous, it’s more like 5) of most movies.

Apparently I have the sleep needs of an infant.

2. Prep-py

The celebrity style I most admire? Coincidentally they too like dressing alike. I would hands down wear anything (fascinators aside) that these 2 wear. I think I was more excited about Kate’s visit to the US to see what she would wear than what she would do. (DVF! Jenny Packham! Alexander McQueen!) Check out all the good here.

  • Kate Middleton
  • Blair Waldorf
Evidently, it’s not just me

If I could raid any closet...

3. Perfectionist

I am competitive. With myself only. I think that also comes from being a bit of a perfectionist and totally Type-A. I won’t half-ass anything. If I set my mind to do something, I’m going to follow through and do it – no ifs, ands, or butts regardless of how long it takes me to finish. Like my 1st 1/2 marathon when I did zero training and walk/jogged/dragged myself until I finished. (Not something I recommend!) Today for example during my HIIT run- the wheels were clearly off the tracks mentally but I refused to finish until I had done 20 solid minutes of intervals. Stopping a minute early just wasn’t an option even though I was so over it – I had to push myself to finish like I knew I could.

4. Hold the Ketchup

I am not, in any way a condiment fan. There was actually a time I wouldn’t even go near BBQ Sauce or Spicy Mustard (currently the only 2 “condiments” I will eat). I dislike ketchup, mayo, yellow mustard, relish, ranch, and all that jazz. I’m the girl who orders her sandwich “dry” and specifies “turkey, cheese, and greens only. ONLY.” High Maintenance. Party of 1.

5. Cinna-more

If it was socially acceptable, I think I’d put cinnamon on everything I eat.

6. Puppy Love

I want a dog. No I’m sorry, I need a dog. I take pictures of other people’s dogs and post it on my blog. I pet random dogs on the street. I swear up and down that dogs flock to me because they know I love them.

Boyfriend is totally on board with this. I am totally on board with this. Did I mention our landlord is not?

7. Back To Life, Back to Reality

I love TV. I love reality TV even more. Kardashians, Jersey Shore, Biggest Loser, Giuliana and Bill (so vastly underrated in my opinion), Real World Road Rules Challenges (you better believe we never miss a single Gauntlet, Inferno, what have you), Man vs Wild, Dual Survival, Chopped, House Hunters. You name it, I will watch it.

The only one I just can’t watch? The Bachelorette. I’m sorry but after Jillian’s season (is it just me or was she just wasted the entire time? And did it make for fantastic television?) I just couldn’t do it anymore. Jake you are not quality entertainment.

Am I the only one with August 4 circled on my calendar?

2 completely random things about you… GO! 

14 thoughts on “7 Things

  1. Krackles- I crack my entire body: knuckles, neck, hips, feet, back, toes, etc. I must do it at least 50 times a day. It feels glorious when I wake up and everything cracks. Some people think its repulsive but I think its the best feeling ever!

    Sports Fanatic- I am one of the few girls that knows almost everything about sports. I love being one of the guys and having full blown conversations, especially about football. The NFL I follow religiously. Go Ravens!

  2. 1. Two of my favorite shows are Deadliest Catch and Law and Order: SVU. My mom says I have the T.V. taste of an old man.

    2. People always think I’m either Greek or Italian, when actually I’m a German/Mexican/English/Samoan/Native American mix.

  3. 1. I could eat Claussen pickles (any variety) all day, every day.

    2. I adjust my car driver’s seat EVERY time I get in the car. I don’t know why.

    I’m obsessed with Giuliana and Bill! Even my bf REALLY likes it (although I’m not allowed to say that around anyone he knows 🙂 ). I’ve actually caught him watching episodes we’ve already watched on Netflix by himself.

    Kate does always wear the most beautiful things.

  4. Your sleep thing is so funny! I have a friend who is like that when we go to the movies too! And omg I’m obsessed with Kate and Blair’s clothing choices. I love how it looks so classic and preppy but so glam at the same time! If you got a dog, what kind would you get??

    2 random things:

    1. Whenever my nail polish starts peeling, I have to peel it all off immediately, I don’t know what it is, but I hate knowing that it is coming off- plus my nail polish almost always peels off in one piece so I like to just get it over with quickly!

    2. I only will use small spoons- I just hate having a big spoon for things and always will search around until I can find a smaller teaspoon size spoon. Maybe it’s the fact that it results in more bites? Not sure, but I have to do it!

  5. I heart you. I too am Type A and my husband never lets me forget it: never finish a workout a minute shorter than necessary, all drawers closed all the time, make the bed every morning, no dishes in the sink overnight, put anything away that sits on the counter. It’s madness. And reality TV is the best. I LOVE G&B, BL, and most of Bravo’s stuff. I think it’s because they’re all such a departure from my real life.

  6. hehe, thanks for the shout out and for sharing your 7 facts!! i think it’s so funny because i too fall asleep about the second the car pulls out of the driveway too! for the longest time, before i could drive, i was afraid that there would be no way i’d be able to stay awake as a driver! don’t worry i do…haha.

    and i’m a total plain jane when it comes to any kind of condiment, sauce, whatever. people make fun of me, but ya know what, if i want my bread dry (or with a bit of yellow mustard ONLY) let me be! 🙂

  7. Omggggg I just read this!!!! Hahahaha this is freaking amazing!!! I have august 4th circled for SHIZZ, I LOVE reality tv and celebs, and you could SO rock a fascinator. I am in love.
    While I do watch the bach, I died laughing at your jillian comment about her being drunk. Eyes loopy, slurred speech.. Let’s be honest, I’d be wasted at all times if I was the bachelorette! I wish I was drunk now..

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